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the Home and the Faith

hanqie production 10/20/2010

Al-Madinah has been ascribed many names, all of them indicative of the high place it holds in the hearts of the Muslims. It was the first capitol of Islam, it embraces the Prophet's Mosque and contains the final resting place of the mortal remains of the most beloved of all time, the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him).

Historians trace the origins of those names, which number about one hundred. Those that that have reached us however, are those contained in the Glorious Qur'an and correctly reported Prophetic Hadith (traditions of the Prophet – Peace be upon him). There are not many to the exclusion of them. As far as the remaining names, it is clear that some are derived from descriptions in the noble hadith and others from place descriptions.

The names that have reached us from correct reports are as follows:

Yathrib: which was the pre-Islamic name. It is mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an on the tongues of some of Al-Munaafiqeen (the Hypocrites), for Allah, the Almighty, has said in Surah 33 Al-Ahzaab, Verse 13: "And when a party of them said: 'O people of Yathrib (Madinah), There is no stand (possible) for you …' ".

Al-Madinah (the City): is the name by which it became famous after the emigration. This name is mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an a number of times. Of them, from the words of Allah, the Most High, as He said in Surah 9 Al-Taubah, Verse 120: "It was not becoming of the people of Al-Madinah and the bedouins of the neighbourhood to remain behind Allah's Messenger …

Taabah (good, pleasant, agreeable): is the name by which the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) eloquently spoke of it.

Taibah (pleasantness, goodness, agreeable): has reached us from Prophetic traditions, a number of times.
Al-Daar wa Al Imaan (the Home and the Faith): these two names are mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an. In the words of Allah, the Almighty, in Surah 59 Al Hashr, Verse 9: "And (it is also for) those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah), and had adopted the Faith … ".

Historians derive the rest of the names of Madinah from some weak hadith and from some of its descriptions. Of those that have reached us are: Al-Miskeenah (the Humble), Al-Jibaarah (the Extraordinary), Al-Mujboorah (the Formidable), Al  Jaabirah (the Comforter), Al Mahboobah (the Beloved), Al Qaasamah (the Destroyer of Disbelief), Daar Al Abraar (Abode of the Justified), Daar Al Hijrah (Centre of Emigration), Daar As Salaam (Abode of Peace), Daar Al Fath (Centre of Conquest), Al Mukhtaarah (the Preferred), Al Saalihah (the Excellent), Al Munawwarah (the Illuminated), Daar Al Mustafa (Abode of the Chosen), Qariyah Al Ansaar (Village of the Helpers), Dthaat Al Nakhl (Possessed of Date Palms), Sayyidah Al Baldaan (Eminent of Towns), Dthaat Al Harraar (Possessor of Nobility), Daar Al Akhyaar (Abode of Superiority), Al Marhoomah (the Kindness), Al Khairah (the Best), Al Shaafa'ah (the Mediator), Al Mubaarakah (the Blessed), Al Mu'minah (the Believer), Al Marzooqah (the Successful) … etc.. names of The mosque :
Masjid Nabawee  al-Masjid an-Nabawee  al-madeenah an-nabawiyyah Masjid -e- Nabawee  المسجد النبوي  the Prophet's Mosque

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