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Why is the trinity creed dangerous?

hanqie production 11/01/2010

Why is the trinity creed dangerous?

The creed of trinity and trinitarianism advocated by some Christians in our day is a very serious delusion. Apart from being a great slander against God and the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), it is also a serious threat. In our previous articles, we dwelled on how this creed that Christians call trinity or trinitarianism contradicts with the creed of unity of God explained in the Gospel, and that the trinity creed became widespread due to the misinterpretations made after the Prophet Jesus (pbuh).
We also explained that that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) being a manifestation of God does not mean that he is the Self of God, and God is beyond this. This is certainly contrary to God’s ruling, His might, His attributes, wisdom and rationale.  (You can read the other related articles here and here)
In these articles we show and express that this false creed is a great threat. It is of great importance for our Christian brothers to be aware of these dangers that the creed of trinity brings forth and that it may bring forth in the future. Some of these dangers are as follows:
1. The danger of ascribing partners to God:
According to both the Gospel and the Torah ascribing partners to God means polytheism. Consequently with the creed of trinity, genuine Christians inadvertently fall into this great danger of ascribing partners to God by ascribing the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to God (Surely God is beyond that). This danger of ascribing partners to God is not an issue that should be ignored. All-Mighty God states in the Qur’an, regarding this dangerous idea as follows: " The heavens are all but rent apart and the earth split open " (Surah Maryam, 90). Ascribing partners to God is a great sin in God’s Sight. In the Qur’an God expresses His threat against those who commit this sin:
God does not forgive anything being associated with Him but He forgives whoever He wills for anything other than that. Anyone who associates something with God has committed a terrible crime. (Surat an-Nisa’, 48)
In the Gospel, Christians are forbidden from ascribing partners to God:
And  [they] exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. [Surely God is beyond that]…They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator. [Surely God is beyond that]Who is forever praised. (Romans, 1:23-25)
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'” (Luke, 4:8)
The oneness of God is also clearly and comprehensively stated in the Gospel. Indeed, in one part of the Gospel, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) states that one of the most important commands of God is to remember God as the One and Only:
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?". "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. "Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is One and there is no other but Him.(Mark, 12:28-32)
 (You can read the Gospel sections in which faith is preserved for God as the One and Only and without ascribing partners to Him here.)
In light of these explanations, some Christians may gloss this stating that they, in fact, have faith in God as the One and Only God; but that they do not accept the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as a separate being; (Surely God is beyond that) since that One Being manifests itself in three different forms as the body, spirit and consciousness. However, in its essence, this explanation harbors a very serious contradiction and error. You can read our explanations related to this here.
2. The danger of all endeavors coming to naught
Another great danger our genuine Christian brothers will face with the error of trinity is the possibility of all effort they claim to make in the name of God to come to naught. This is a great danger for Christians who, disregarding reminders and warnings, continue to ascribe partners to God only because of this delusion, and do not resort to their conscience, but assume themselves to be on the true path. Such a danger should not be underestimated. In the Qur’an, God warns: "Some faces on that Day will be downcast, laboring, toiling endlessly" (Surat al-Ghashiyya, 3). In the Torah, on the other hand, the prayers of those who sincerely believe is as follows: May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalms 90:17).
Consequently there will be people whose endeavors will come to naught in the hereafter. A devout believer should not see this danger far from himself and should resort to his conscience. Right now, God calls our Christian brothers who were inculcated with the creed of trinity for years to search their hearts with these reminders and warnings.
3. The danger of hidden disbelief and atheism
Another danger brought by the creed of trinity is that it causes hidden disbelief or that it drifts people into atheism. It is no doubt and not difficult for any person who is well acquainted with the Gospel to grasp the irrationality of the creed of trinity. In fact almost all Christians are aware of this fact. But they make themselves believe in it putting forth many pretexts or remain silent under the threat that otherwise “they will abandon the religion.”
Some of them, on the other hand, are drifted into disbelief because consciously and logically they cannot accept this creed and they inwardly do not believe. This is a great threat. There are hidden unbelieving people in Christianity who appear devout although they are aware of the invalidity of the trinity. The hidden unbelievers who lose their religion due to this superstitious creed constitute the danger of hypocrisy in Christianity. Hypocrites, on the other hand, are the main reason of conflict and separation in religion. They are the source of brand new innovations and superstitious beliefs developed to render Christians weak and draw them away from worshipping.
Apart from this, growing number of Christians totally divert from the true path and become atheists because they feel that the idea of the trinity opposes sound logic and rationale. The atheists in question also openly express their arguments. Our Christian brothers are, no doubt, aware of this situation. Of course just because these people cannot be convinced about the truth of trinity does not justify their drifting into disbelief, hypocrisy, or atheism. If a person is truly sincere, he is obliged to turn to God by heart, strive to see and understand the truth, and abide by what his conscience guides him towards. However, no matter how mistaken these people may be, one should not ignore that the source of danger from hidden disbelief and atheism is the idea of trinity.
From the history of Christianity, it is also possible to understand the great ideological and actual conflicts brought by the idea of trinity, which have been carried forward to our day. It is impossible for a righteous creed to be the source of such great conflicts and tribulations. It is possible that until now, some Christians have not assessed the dimensions of this danger. It is likely that, they try to uphold a false belief inherited from their forefathers, assuming that it is a provision of the Gospel. However, this is a belief definitely contrary to God’s command. When they consider the Gospel in a rational way and see the tribulations brought by a superstitious belief, they will understand this better. Consequently, we call genuine Christians to take refuge in God, to think without being under the sway of inculcations, and to make their decision with their purest of conscience.

Science is anti-Darwinist, anti-atheist

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Science is anti-Darwinist, anti-atheist

SCIENCE IS THE ENEMY OF DARWINISM. SCIENCE IS AGAINST DARWINISM. SCIENCE IS ANTI-COMMUNIST, ANTI-MARXIST. SCIENCE DESTROYS THE MARXIST, ATHEIST AND  DARWINISM THOUGHT. It is with science that the Darwinist deceit hascollapsed. It is science that has given the Darwinist propaganda the biggest blow. Science has defeated the evolutionist deceit that has been suggested to the masses for years. Science has destroyed the foundation of the atheist philosophy. Science anhiliates and destroys Darwinism wherever it goes, wherever it becomes a current issue and wherever it shows itself. Therefore, SCIENCE IS ANTI-PAGAN. Science eradicated pagan thoughts, superstitious religions, and false ideologies. Therefore, SCIENCE IS ONE OF THE GREATEST PAINS FOR DARWINISTS.Displaying darwinism as science is part of the ugly game that is being played around the world. The system of the anti-christ,which needs a new religion in order to eradicate the belief in Allah from the world (Allah is beyond that), identified the most effective method of hypnosis years ago through the use of science. The system of the anti-christhas realized that it can deceive people, reach the whole world and occupy the key posts in education systems by making use of science for its deception.  Furthermoreit can realize all of its false pretences in the name of science. The mass hypnosis employed by the system of the anti-christ throughout the world has been extended in the name of science.
The science that is considered to be a friend has destroyed Darwinists
Darwinists did not think that science would cause them so much pain when they werefearlessly engaging in scientific deceits. They were shocked to see that science serves only religion. They were appalled when the greatest scientists in history declared their faith in Allah to the whole world. They tried to hold on to the fallacy of using science to decieve people, but they have lost their grip. They have lowered their voices helplessly. They have seen with their own eyes that science has suffocated and destroyed Darwinism, Marxism, communism, materialism and all other ideologies. Darwinists experienced their greatest defeat in the face of science. The science they considered to be a friend, has destroyed them.
One of the greatest truths that have come to the surface with the development of science in the 21st century is this: Science is for those who have faith in Allah. Science benefits sincere believers. Allah attracts attention to the mosquito (Surat al-Baqara, 26), the honey bee, (Surat an-Nahl, 68), stars that move on orbit (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 7), the ships that flow on water (Surat al-Hajj, 65)  Allah draws attention to the leaves that turn to green (Surat al-An‘am, 59) and the seven layers of the sky (Surat al-Isra’, 44). Allah calls for believers to be careful about these signs leading to faith in the Qur’an. Human beings discover the depths of these systems  only by science and research. 
It is science, which informs us about how the mosquito places its pipe using the method of narcosis and the molecular structure of the material where that local narcosis takes place. The miracle of photosynthesis by green leaves, the physical laws of the waters that allow the ships to sail, and the huge celestial bodies hung in sky that never lose their  balance (by Allah’s leave), are the facts that science shows us.  Science proves everthing that is in the Qur’an. Therefore, a person who is able to think with his or her conscience and mind immediately understands the existence of Allah from a single example in the Qur’an. For this reason, even a single mosquito given as an example in the Qur’an is sufficient to have faith in our Almighty Lord. Allah reveals in His verses as follows: 
Allah is not ashamed to make an example of a gnat or of an even smaller thing. As for those who believe, they know it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, ‘What does Allah mean by this example?’ He misguides many by it and guides many by it. But He only misguides the deviators. (Surat al-Baqara, 26)
Mankind! an example has been made, so listen to it carefully. Those whom you call upon besides Allah are not even able to create a single fly, even if they were to join together to do it. And if a fly steals something from them, they cannot get it back. How feeble are both the seeker and the sought! (Surat al-Hajj, 73)
Signs leading to faith are the gifts shown to us by science. Allah makes science an instrument to show us His Greatness, Might, and Power. He is Allah, the Lord of all things, Who created science and all that science discovers.
Darwinists are now in grave shock. Much to their suprise and astonishment, they have come to the realization that science is anti-pagan and anti-Darwinist. The shock has also been painful.  This is the biggest pain that Darwinist have experienced for 150 years. The fact that those who understand science and who are involved with science have revolted againstDarwinism has increased this pain. The fact that science serves Islam has increased this pain. As such the Darwinists have announced aliens as saviors in their shame. This is the situation of the system of the anti-christ, which has kept people undermass hypnosis for 150 years.
Science exposes the existence of Almighty Allah through all of its branches. The 21st century will be the century of this discovery and the great Darwinist defeat.
You can read our article about science proving that not even a single protein can form by chance here.
You can read our article about science proving that there is not even a single transitional fossil here.
You can readthe information about the fact that 350 million fossils prove the fact of Creationhere.

source :,_ANTI-ATHEIST

Freedom of Thought in Islam

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Freedom of Thought in Islam

The world we live in contains societies with all kinds of beliefs.  Muslims living in such a world must be tolerant of all beliefs they come up against, no matter what they may be, and behave forgivingly, justly and humanely. This responsibility placed on believers is to invite people to the beauty of the religion of Allah by means of peace and tolerance. 
Islam is a religion which provides and guarantees freedom of ideas, thought and life. It has issued commands to prevent and forbid tension, disputes, slander and even negative thinking among people. In the same way that it is determinedly opposed to terrorism and all acts of violence, it has also forbidden even the slightest ideological pressure to be put on them. 
Forcing people to believe in a religion or to adopt its forms of belief is completely contrary to the essence and spirit of Islam. That is because according to Islam, true faith is only possible with free will and freedom of conscience. Of course, Muslims can advise and encourage each other about the features of Qur’anic morality. All believers are charged with explaining Qur’anic morality to people in the nicest manner possible. They will explain the beauties of religion in the light of the verse, “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition...” (Surat an-Nahl, 125), however, they must also bear in mind the verse, “You are not responsible for their guidance, but Allah guides whoever He wills.” (Surat al-Baqara, 272) 
They will never resort to compulsion, nor any kind of physical or psychological pressure. Neither will they use any worldly privilege to turn someone towards religion. When they receive a negative response to what they say, Muslims will reply along the lines of: “To you your religion, and to me, mine” (Surat al-Kafirun, 6) 
The world we live in contains societies with all kinds of beliefs: Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, deist and even pagan. Muslims living in such a world must be tolerant of all beliefs they come up against, no matter what they may be, and behave forgivingly, justly and humanely. This responsibility placed on believers invites people to the beauty of the religion of Allah by means of peace and tolerance. The decision whether or not to implement these truths, whether or not to believe, lies with the other party. Forcing that person to believe, or trying to impose anything on him, is a violation of Qur’anic morality. 
A model of society in which people are forced to worship is completely contradictory to Islam. Belief and worship are only of any value when they are directed to Allah by the free will of the individual. If a system imposes belief and worship on people, then they will become religious out of fear of that system. From the religious point of view, what really counts is that religion should be lived for Allah’s good pleasure in an environment where peoples’ consciences are totally free.
Allah Has Made The Killing Of Innocent People Unlawful 
According to the Qur'an, one of the greatest sins is to kill a human being who has committed no fault: 
...If someone kills another person - unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth - it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in the earth. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 32) 
As we can see in the verses above, those who kill innocent human beings without a cause are threatened with evil punishment. Allah has revealed that killing one person is as great a sin as killing all mankind. Anyone who respected the prerogatives of Allah would not do harm to even one individual, let alone murdering thousands of innocent people. Those who think that they will escape justice and punishment in this world will never escape the account they must give in the Presence of Allah on the Last Day. So, those believers who know they will give an account to Allah after their death, will be very careful about respecting the limits Allah has established.
Allah Commands Believers To Be Compassionate And Merciful 
In this verse, Muslim morality is explained: 
...To be one of those who believe and urge each other to steadfastness and urge each other to compassion. Those are the Companions of the Right. (Surat al-Balad: 17-18) 
As we see in this verse, one of the most important moral precepts that Allah has sent down to His servants so that they may receive salvation and mercy and attain Paradise, is to "urge each other to compassion". 
The true source of compassion is love of Allah. A person's love of Allah gives rise to his feeling love for the things He has created. Someone who loves Allah feels a direct link and closeness to the things He has created. This strong love and closeness he feels for the Lord, who created him and all mankind, leads him to display a pleasing morality, as commanded in the Qur'an. True compassion emerges as he lives by this morality. 
This high level of morality that is demanded from believers, described in the Qur'an, stems from their deep love of Allah. Thanks to their devotion to Him, they scrupulously abide by the morality revealed by Him in the Qur'an. Believers never try to make people feel indebted because of the compassion they demonstrate and the help they offer people, and do not even expect to be thanked. Their true aim is to try to gain Allah's good pleasure by means of the morality they exhibit, because they know that they will be called to account for that morality on the Day of Judgement.
Allah Has Commanded Tolerance And Forgiveness 
Surat al-A'raf, verse 199, which says "practice forgiveness", expresses the concept of forgiveness and tolerance which is one of the basic principles of the religion of Islam. 
When we look at Islamic history, we can see clearly how Muslims established this important precept of the moral teaching of the Qur'an in their social life. At every point in their advance, Muslims destroyed unlawful practices and created a free and tolerant environment. In the areas of religion, language and culture, they made it possible for people totally opposite to each other to live under the same roof in freedom and peace, thereby giving to those subject to them the advantages of knowledge, wealth and position. Likewise, one of the most important reasons that the large and widespread Ottoman Empire was able to sustain its existence for so many centuries was that its way of life was directed by the tolerance and understanding brought by Islam. For centuries Muslims have been characterized by their tolerance and compassion. In every period of time they have been the most just and merciful of people. All ethnic groups within this multi-national community freely practiced the religions they have followed for years and enjoyed every opportunity to live in their own cultures and worship in their own way. 
All this shows that the moral teaching offered to humanity by Islam is one that will bring peace, happiness and justice to the world. The barbarism that is happening in the world today under the name of "Islamic Terrorism" is completely removed from the moral teachings of the Qur'an; it is the work of ignorant, bigoted people, criminals who have nothing to do with religion. The solution which will applied against these individuals and groups who are trying to commit their deeds of savagery under the guise of Islam, will be the instruction of people in the true moral teaching of Islam. 
In other words, the religion of Islam and the moral teaching of the Qur'an are not the supporters of terrorism and the terrorists, but the remedy by which the world can be saved from the scourge of terrorism.

Compassion in the Qur'an

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Compassion in the Qur'an

All Muslims must embrace the moderate, gentle, compassionate, calm and kind style Allah depicts in the Qur’an. 
Radicalism means supporting sudden revolutionary destructive changes in any sphere and applying a strict uncompromising policy in order to achieve them. Radicals are characterised by their desire for revolutionary change and the stern, sometimes aggressive attitude they adopt. 
In this, as in every sphere of life, the guide for the Muslim is the Qur'an. When we look at radicalism in the light of the Qur'an, we see that it has nothing to do with the way in which Allah  commands the believers to behave. When Allah  describes a believer in the Qur'an, He depicts him as a loving, soft-spoken person, shunning conflicts and arguments, approaching even the most hostile people with warmth and friendship.
Beautiful Examples from our Prophet (saas) 
An example to guide us in this matter is the command given by Allah  to Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and speak gently to him: 
Go to Pharaoh; he has overstepped the bounds. But speak to him with gentle words so that hopefully he will pay heed or show some fear. (Surah Ta Ha, 43-44) 
Pharaoh was one of the most cruel and rebellious unbelievers of his time. He was a despot who denied Allah  and worshipped idols; moreover, he subjected believers (the Israelites of the time) to terrible cruelties and murder. But Allah  commanded His prophets to go to such a hostile man and speak to him gently. 
You will notice that the way shown by Allah  was the way of friendly dialogue, not the way of conflict with sharp words, angry slogans and agitated protests. 
If we examine the Qur'an you will see that a warm, gentle and compassionate disposition characterized all the prophets. Allah  describes Abraham as "tender-hearted and forbearing." (Surat at-Tawba, 114) and in another verse, the prophet Muhammad's moral principles are described in this way:
It is a mercy from Allah  that you were gentle with them. If you had been rough or hard of heart, they would have scattered from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult with them about the matter. Then when you have reached a firm decision, put your trust in Allah . Allah  loves those who put their trust in Him. (Sura Al’Imran, 159)
Compassion in Islam 
An obvious characteristic of radicalism is its anger. This disposition can be clearly seen in the speeches, writings and demonstrations of radicals. However, anger is not an attribute of Muslims. When Allah  describes believers in the Qur'an, he describes, "those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people - Allah  loves the good-doers" (Surah Al’Imran, 134) 
Therefore, it is the duty of a Muslim only to explain the facts and to invite people to accept them. Whether or not people accept the invitation is completely up to their own conscience. Allah  reveals this truth in the Qur'an when He says that there is no compulsion in religion. 
There is no compulsion where deen is concerned. Right guidance has become clearly distinct from error...(Surat al-Baqara, 256) 
Therefore, there is no coercion to make people believe and become Muslims, or to make Muslims perform prayers and beware of sin. There is only advice. Allah  reveals in a few verses addressed to the Messenger of Allah  that Muslims are not oppressors: 
We know best what they say. You are not a dictator over them. So remind, with the Qur'an, whoever fears My Threat.  (Surah Qaf, 45) 
Muslims are responsible only for explaining their religion, they apply no pressure or coercion on anyone and are enjoined to speak gently to even the most tyrannical deniers. Such persons cannot be radicals,
The Behind the Scenes of Radicalism  
There is no radicalism in the religion of Islam. Islam commands to be moderate, temperate and compassionate and prohibits extremism. In one verse Allah relates thus:
"Say: ‘People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion, asserting other than the truth, and do not follow the whims and desires of people who were misguided previously and have misguided many others, and are far from the right way.’ (Surat al-Maida, 77) 
When the  social phenomena depicted as “radicalism” are examined, it will be seen that they are actually a compilation of the methods and statements formerly employed by communists. 
Muslims must refrain from a harsh, angry, and challenging approach, for these are contrary to the Qur'an's method and essence. Instead, Muslims must adopt the accepting, moderate, calm, and rational approach described in the Qur'an. In other words, they must be role models for humanity and earn people's admiration for the morality of Islam and themselves. Muslims should also make great progress and produce superb works of science, culture, art, and aesthetics, as well as live Islam in the best way, and thus represent it to the world. (Harun Yahya, Justice and Compassion in the Qur’an)

source :

The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, he was raised to God's Sight

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In our previous article, we explained that the Christians’ faith of crucifixion could not have been originated from the original Gospel which was revealed to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). There are various Gospels which were written after the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Each one of these Gospels depict the very same incident in a different way and each Book has many contradictions within itself. Only these two features provide enough evidence to be doubtful about the information conveyed in these books. Our Christian brothers are also aware that, apart from the existence of many true and righteous accounts in the Gospel, the parts in question which they claim to be divine revealations do not provide a common account; accordingly this state casts serious doubts over the accuracy of the information provided. These contradictory passages must make our Christian brothers adopt a more objective view about the issue, because the contradictions in question are not the kind of statements that can be explained away or denied. They are solid evidences sufficient enough to present the inaccuracy of the conservative belief that the current Gospel is of undistorted, precise pronouncements. Accordingly it is of great importance for our Christian brothers to pay attention to the evidence provided below. This aside, it is unacceptable that a piece of information conveying the so-called death of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)  is considered as a righteous revelation revealed to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh):

In the Qur’an God expresseses certain information that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)  did not die:
In the Qur’an God provides accurate information about the crucifixion of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), which is described in the Gospel with contradictory and doubtful explanations. In the Qur’an, God makes it clear that SCHEMES MADE TOWARDS THE PROPHET JESUS (PBUH) ARE THWARTED AND THAT THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HÄ°M:
and their saying, ‘We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Messenger of God.’ THEY DID NOT KILL HIM AND THEY DID NOT CRUCIFY HIM but it was made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it. They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. BUT THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM. (Surat An-Nisa’, 157)
In the Qur’an, that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not killed is stressed twice in the same verse and it is stated that those who advocate the belief that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)  was killed have no real knowledge of it. This is a very clear statement.
Someone resembling to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was crucified:
In the same verse in the Qur’an God reveals, "They did not kill him and they did not crucify him but IT WAS MADE TO SEEM SO TO THEM.” (Surat an-Nisa’, 157), and informs us that the person who was crucified was another person who was resembling the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). The individual who was crucified instead of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was Judas Iscariot, who acted treacherously towards the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). As a great miracle, God made Judas Iscariot seem like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). When they came to take the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to crucify him, they took Judas Iscariot who was present there and crucified him. Besides, because Judas Iscariot’s face was covered with blood, people also did not understand that it was not the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) who was crucified. In the latter part of Surat an-Nisa’ 157, God relates, "They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture." Indeed, in the Gospel, the words which are conveyed as the last words of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) ["Elohi, Elohi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?"], is again a continuation of the same delusion and the expression of disbelief in question belong to Judas Iscariot, whose plot was thwarted and was crucified instead of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Indeed, it is obvious that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), who was a servant of God who wholeheartedly submitted to God and loved Him, could not have told these words. One can only expect to hear such rebellious expressions from a hypocrite.

The disappearance of Judas Iscariot cccording to the Gospel:
Parallel to what is revealed by the verses of the Qur’an and these explanations also supported by various sources, there are passages in Gospel that may provide evidence that a disciple of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), Judas Iscariot, was crucified instead of him. According to these passages we need to notice that just after the crucifixion Judas Iscariot disappeared. Various Gospel authors try to explain away this subject in many ways and have contradicted with one other. The contradictory explanations regarding the disappearance of Iscariot in the Gospel is as follows:
 Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. They bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate, the governor.
 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. "I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood." "What is that to us?" they replied. "That's your responsibility." So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. (Matthew 27: 1-5)
 In those days Peter stood up among the believers and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled ...through the mouth of David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—he was one of our number and shared in this ministry."
 With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. (Acts 1: 5-18)
Despite the fact that some explanations in the Gospel contradict with one another, there is consensus on the disappearance of Judas Iscariot just after the crucifixation. Judas Iscariot disappeared, because the one who was crucified and killed was Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot, who normally looked like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in the physical sense, was made to seem more like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as a miracle of God. Upon this, soldiers were mistaken and took him to the crucifix instead of The Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Just before this incident, by God’s command, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was taken to the heavens by angels, into the Sight of God.

In the Qur’an God informs that the plot against the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was “thwarted”:
In the leadership of Judas Iscariot who was a hypocrite, unbelievers plotted against the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). The purpose of this plot was to kill the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). However, in the Qur’an God INFORMS US THAT THE PLOT AGAINST THE PROPHET JESUS (PBUH) WAS THWARTED. If, in one way, The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) died, this would mean unbelievers’ plot coming to a favorable end on their part, and this is impossible. THAT PLOT WAS THWARTED. THE PROPHET JESUS (PBUH), IN NO WAY, DIED AND WAS NOT MURDERED. God informs us about this fact in the Qur’an thus:
When Jesus sensed disbelief on their part, he said, ‘Who will be my helpers to God?’ The disciples said, ‘We are God's helpers. We believe in God. Bear witness that we are Muslims. Our Lord, we have faith in what You have sent down and have followed the Messenger, so write us down among the witnesses.’THEY PLOTTED AND GOD PLOTTED. BUT GOD IS THE BEST OF PLOTTERS. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 52-54)
If the plots of unbelievers succeeded, this would surely be related in the Qur’an. On the contrary, we know from the Qur’an that the plots against the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) came to nothing and that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was raised to the Sight of God.
You can read further information about the subject on this link.

It is a great blessing for sincere believers that a stealthy plot against The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was thwarted: 
Despite very clear evidence, those who insist on the claim that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was killed should think wisely and re-read the Qur’an with an open mind and and keep their mind free of any prejudices. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die; he was honorably raised to the heavens. For a sincere Christian, there is no meaning in being insistent upon the claim that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was killed. For a Christian, it is a blessing to know and believe that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, that he was saved from the plots of unbelivers and that he is in our Lord’s Sight. Insistently turning one’s face from such glad tidings, not wanting the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to be alive despite all these facts revealed is a strange attitude.
Some Christians claim that Muslims object the belief that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is not alive, because they think it is unbecoming for a prophet to suffer. However Muslims believe in it simply because it is stated so in the Qur’an. The key point that deserves mention here is the following:
Surely God has tested Prophets with various affliction, hardships and trials. As a requisite of the trial in this world, God also granted temporary triumph to unbelievers. But God never lets His Prophets to be in a state that will, in the eyes of unbelievers, make them seem as if they were weak. Accordingly, such a state also holds true for the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Believing that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die is also good for Christians. Indeed, in the End Times when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will be sent back to earth, Christians will see that he has no scar on his palms or feet. In the End Times in which we live the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will come back to earth with the clothes, belongings he had on 2000 years ago, and the money dating back to 2000 years. When these happen, Christians will be better convinced, Insha'Allah.
You can read further information about the subject on this link.
The delusion of redemption:
One of the main reasons why this claim – the so-called death of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) - was subsequently introduced into the Gospel and has been since persistently upheld is to be able to lay the ground for another erronous viewpoint, that is, Redemption. This subject will be expanded on our next article. However we can briefly say that according to the Qur’an, it is impossible for a baby to be born as a sinner. Again according to the Qur’an, no one can take on another’s wrongdoing, and everyone will give an account of his deeds and every moment he spends in this life by himself. The contrary would be incompatible with God’s justice and the purpose of this life’s creation. Accordingly a life that is free of sins can by no means be valid in Christianity or any other religion. This claim was probably introduced to Christianity by various circles in order to put away with religious responsibilities in daily life and those that are brought by  as the requisite of faith in God. In order to validate it, the circles in question had to spread the view that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) had died. Sincere Christians need to see the inaccuracy of this belief.


Madinah City Profile

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Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah is the second holy city to Muslims after Makkah Al-Mukkaramah. It has also got many other names such as Taibah, Yathrib, the City of the Messenger, and Dar Al-Hijri (i.e. Home of Immigration). It is the city whose people supported Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) when he immigrated to it from Makkah. It comprises the Mosque of the Prophet, his grave, the Islamic University, King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran and many archaeological Islamic features. The first mosque of Islam is also located in Madinah and is known as Masjid Al Quba.
Madinah (Almadina Al-Munawara) the light city is the city of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and also his burial place. It was the first Islamic City to support the Prophet Muhammad, and it joined him in fighting decisive battles which were instrumental in the victory of Islam and its subsequent spread. This is the city of the "Ansaar" (Supporters) and their brothers the "Muhajireen" (Emigrants), who together formed the first Islamic army which entered Makkah in triumph eight years after the Prophet's "Hijrah" (Migration). It was a city which loved the Prophet, and which he in turn loved. On its soil he built his sacred mosque, and it was here that he was buried.
Madinah was also the city of the "Khulfai Rashiduun" (Orthodox Caliphs of Islam), who shouldered the responsibility of Jihad, or holy struggle, fighting against renegades and propagating Islam in the countries surrounding the Arabian Peninsula. It was the seat of the first Islamic state, and witnessed the Prophet's companions administering the affairs of the Moslem community, compiling the Holy Koran, and dispatching armies to Persia, Syria and Egypt.

To visit Madinah is not a Hajj or Umrah rite, but the unique merits of the Prophet's city, his Mosque and his sacred tomb attract every pilgrim to visit it. There is neither Ihram nor talbiyah for the visit to Madinah or the Prophet's Mosque.
The Prophet had great love for this city. He once said that "There is a cure for every disease in the dust of Madinah" (Al-Targhib).
The Prophet himself participated in the construction of this mosque, called it "My Mosque" and led prayers in it for years. He has also said that a prayer performed in the Prophet's Mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other place except Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah. It was also reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) has also said: "The person who offers 40 prayers consecutively in my Mosque, without missing a prayer in between, will secure immunity from the fire of Hell and other torments and also from hypocrisy."
Madinah has 95 names, including Taibah, Tabah, Qubbat Al-Islam, Al-Mu'mina, Al-Mubarakah, Al-Mukhtarah, Dar Al-Abrar, Dar Al-Sunnah, Dar Al-Akhyar, Dar Al-Fateh, Dhat Al-Hirar, Dhat Al-Nakhl, Al-Barrah and Al-Jaberah.
Geographic Location
Al Madinah Al Munawarah is located at Eastern Part of Al Hijaz Region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on longitude (39 36 6) and Latitude (24 28 6).
Madinah is located in the north-western part of the Kingdom, to the east of the Red Sea, which lies only 250 km (155 miles) away from it. It is surrounded by a number of mountains: Al-Hujaj, or Pilgrims' Mountain to the West, Salaa to the north-west, Al-E'er or Caravan Mountain to the south and Uhad to the north Madinah is situated on a flat mountain plateau at the junction of the three valleys of Al-Aql, Al-Aqiq, and Al-Himdh. For this reason, there are large green areas amidst a dry mountainous region. The city is 620 meters (2034 ft) above sea level. Its western and southwestern parts have many volcanic rocks. Madinah lies at the meeting-point of longitude 39 36' east and latitude 24 28' north. It covers an area of about 50 square kilometers (19 square miles).
Al Madinah Al Munawwarah is a desert oasis surrounded with mountains and stony areas from all sides. It was mentioned in several references and sources. It was known as Yatrib in Writings of ancient Maeniand, this is obvious evidence that the population structure of this desert oasis is a combination of north Arabs and South Arabs, who settled there and built their civilization during the thousand years before Christ.
Geographical Features of Al Madinah
Natural conditions have donated Al Madinah several features that made the city more important, water supplies in Al Madinah are abundant, its land is fertile with high and abundant productivity, there are natural roads and paths that link Al Madinah with Najid Tuhamah and Al Hijaz, in addition to the old trade road between south, north and east which made the city a center of important trade markers.
Geological Structure
Geographical environment of Al Madinah consists of basalt and indesite rocks or metamorphosed schisr or granite rocks, which are traversed by a group of valleys that fall from the high mountains. The geological history of the area, with respect to its history and structure is related to the same history of Al Hijaz ridge.
The land of Al Madinah Al Munawwarah is fertile volcanic hill that inclines towards North direction. It is (597-639 Meters) above sea level. Al Madinah Al Munawwarah was a group of green oasis before the advancement of building; especially in the area form kaaba to the Eastern Stony area. Borders

bulletFrom the North: Uhod Mountain

bulletFrom the South West: A group of Basaltic Stony areas
The area has a hot, continental climate. The climate is affected by the Mediterranean in the north and by the seasonal climate in the south. The temperature ranges between 36-45 degrees celsius during the summer months and between 15- 20 degrees Celsius during winter.
Little rain falls in this area with an average of only 94mm. When rain does fall it is generally in November and January.
There is low humidity most of the year, with an average of 22% that increases with rainfall to 35%. During summer the humidity rarely rises above 14%.
Southwesterly winds usually blow in the area. They are mostly hot and dry. The average speed of the wind is 5 - 8 knots per hour, which is considered to be quite strong.
The average temperature in summer is 30ْ C and from May to September it may reach 46ْ C.
The Lowest average temperature is in January, as it is 15ْ C.
Humidity in Al Madinah Al Munaearah is considered among areas with the least degrees of humidity, where the average humidity is 22 degrees that rises in winter.
Quantity of rain in Al Madinah varies from of the year to another, it usually ranges from 0.70 MM to 4.0 MM Rains fall in winter, and in spring there are scattered showers.
Westerly from March to July and Easterly from November to February.
Velocity of the winds range from 5 to 8 knots through the year.
Topography of Al Madinah The topographic characteristics of the city, which are represented in four main parts:

Which surrounds the Oasis from all directions the most important are Uhod Mountain and Aseer Mountain.

bulletStony Areas
Which link the mountains and the Oasis, Waqim stony area at east direction, Al Bourah stony area at west and Shouran stony area at south.

A group of valleys fall from the mountains and traverse the oasis. They run towards the north east until they meet at Zugabah. The most important of which are Al Ageeg Canal, Batthan, Abu Jeedah (Zanotah), Muzeneb and Mahzouz.

bulletUnderground Water
Al Madinah like other cities of Al Hijaz is of limited water resources where the natural water resources can not fulfill the increased requirements of the inhabitants.
Water Desalination stations at Yanbu, are the main source of fresh water for inhabitants and visitors of the holy places in Al Madinah.
Al Madinah Al Munawwarah before the Prophetic Hijrah
Sources and references agree that Al Madinah before the Prophetic emigration was not an integrated urbanized city from either the population structure point of view or architectural point of view. The first inhabitation in the area was by Yathrib Bin Mahlaeil, the Amaliqide, whose pedigree is tracked back to Shem son of Noah, as mentioned by Al Zajahi. The first aggregation was in Adham area as mentioned in Wafa Al Wafa, which the area is known by the name Al Uyun (springs). As this area is a fertile land with abundant water, vegetables and fruits, it became a center of attraction for the emigrants from the neighboring areas. About 455 B.C. some Arabic tribes from the North had emigrated to Al Madinah. Al Madinah was mentioned in the Maeinian inscriptions, books of Ptolemaists and Geography of Byzantines especially the books of Ptolemy as it was also mentioned In the Holy Quran.
It is shown from what have been mentioned in historical sources that Al Madinah before Al Hijrah was a group of small residential communities with no tie, specially after the arrival of the Jewish settlers and their dependence on special communities, their Monopoly of gold trade, building of trade markets, building of forts and residential communities around the forts, as mentioned in the book of "Wafa Al Wafa".
On Monday, 8th Rabia I, corresponding to 20th September of the year 622 A.D. the Messenger arrived at Al Madinah, and people welcomed him with songs.
That was a distinct day in the history of Al Madinah, when the noble Messenger familiarized between the hated hearts and fraternized between Emigrants and supporters, and he built his Mosque, which became the center of the Capital of Islamic State, and the Center of command for the armies of conquest.
Since then, the residential communities changed into an urbanized residential unit. The Mosque was the first unit in the Islamic Urbanization structure; hence, the Holy Prophetic Mosque has become the center of Al Madinah Al Munawarah.
Al Madinah in the First Period of Islam
Epoch of the Noble Messenger and the Orthodox Caliphs (1h-40h)
In 17th Rabbia I of the first year of Al Hijrah, corresponding the year 14 of the blessed prophetic revival, and corresponding to 24th December of the year 622 A.D. the Messenger of Allah,( peace of Allah be upon him ) arrived of Al Madinah with his companion Abu Bakr Al Sideeq, may Allah be pleased with him.
Since that history, Al Madinah [Taybah] [Dar Al HijrahJ has become the center of Islamic radiation and the first capital of the Islamic world. Messenger had spent, and during eleven years that the Messenger had spent in Al Madinah before his demise, Islam spread in the Arabian Peninsula, and Allah (the Most High) completed his grace to his noble Messenger with the great conquest of Makkah Al Mukarramah. Then the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him, completed his message in the pilgrimage of farewell, and in Arafah Day, Allah (the Most High) said:" Surah Al Ma'idah (3):
(This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.
And the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him, said in Khutbah Al Wadaa (farewell ceremony), "Learn your rituals from me, because I may not meet you after this year.
Al Mustafa Al Mukhtar demised on Monday, l2th Rabia of the year 11 H. Muslims forwarded by Omar Bin Al Khatab made the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Sideeq, may Allah be pleased with him, as he was the second person with the Messenger in the cave, he is the father of the Messenger's wife, and he is the first one that the Messenger ( Peace of Allah be upon him ) deputized to lead people in performing of the prayer during the illness of the Messenger Sayyidna Abu Bakr Al Sideeq, may Allah be pleased with him, made great works that no one else could have done, and in two years, in which he was the caliph, the Islamic state managed to control who tried to dissident and managed to establish the bases of Islam. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, demised after he had appointed the great companion, Sayyidna Abu Bakr was hurried near the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him, in the house of Al Sayeeda Aishah Bint Abu Bakar, may Allah be pleased with them all.
Sayyidina Omer Bin Al Khatab, may Allah be pleased with him, became the caliph in 22nd Jumada of the year 13 of Al-Hijrah, Sayyidina Omar is the one that the Messenger (Peace of Allah be upon him) said about him. "I have never seen a genius doing an unprecedented things such as Omar do". And he also said "If Omar followed a road, the devil would follow another road" and he is the companion that the Holy Quran approved his opinion in several circumstances such as Badr's captives prohibition of wine, and veil of women.
Messenger of Allah married his daughter, when the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him, asked Allah to support Islam with one of the two Omar, it was Omar Bin Al Khatab. He was the first one in Islam who was called the Emir of believers (Ameer Al Moomineen), he has made the prophetic Hijrah the beginning of the Islamic calendar, and he is the one that Allah inspired him in "O Sarriah, the mountain, the mountain". Sayyidna Omar established the administrative and organizational structure of the Islamic state, he established the mail, he founded the bureaus, and the Islamic conquests extended under his rule. His rule in Al Madinah Al Munawarah continued until Zu Al Hija of the year 23 H, when he martyrized by a stab with a poisoned dagger from Abu Luluah Al Majusi, this was the interpretation of the dream that he had seen as a read cock. He was buried near his two friends in Aishah's house, may Allah be pleased with them.
The great companions of the emigrants and supporters met and agreed upon choosing Sayyidna Othman Bin Affan, companion of the Messenger, the one who married two of the Messenger's daughter, one of ten who are announced with paradise, the owner of Roumah well, the one that his trade was with Allah (the Most High), and the one who equipped Al Usra Army.
The great companion proceeded the great deeds which were started by Sayyidna Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) and he built the first military marine fleet in the Islamic state with which he invaded Europe in the Mediterranean Sea. Sayyidna Othman transferred Makkah Al Mukarramah seaport from Al Suhaiba to Jeddah.
With the extension of conquests, Sayyidna Othman found that the companions of the Messenger, (Peace of Allah be upon him) had dispersed in the conquest areas, and some of them had martyrized, and he was afraid that the Holy Quran might be lost. Accordingly, he had accomplished he most important and the greatest project, which was the gathering of the verses of Holy Quran that were kept in the hearts of men, the readers of the Messenger, (Peace of Allah be upon him).
The abstinent caliph demised in Zulhijjah of the year 35 H and he was buried in Baqeea of Al Garqad, (May Allah be pleased with him).
After the demise of Sayyidna Othman Bin Afan, Muslims agreed to Make pledge of allegiance to Sayyidna Ali Bin Abu Talib, may Allah honor him, as he is the cousin of the Messenger and the husband of his daughter, who sacrificed himself for the Messenger ( Peace of Allah be upon him ) in the night of his Hijrah from Makkah to Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, he is one of the first who believed in Mohammed and he was the first young man who believed in Mohammed, (Peace of Allah be upon him), he was one of the swords of Allah that supported the Prophet by the help of Allah, he had never bowed for an idol, he had never seen his genitals, and he is the husband of Fatima Al Zahara, daughter of the Messenger ( Peace of Allah be upon him ) and the father of Al Hassan and Al Hussain, the supreme of young men paradise people. He became the caliph in l7th of Zulhijjah of the year 35 of Al Hijrah.
Sayyidna Ali, may Allah be pleased with him and horror him, completed the establishment of the bases of the Islamic state. The Islamic scale began to be the subject of conspiracies of the enemies, accordingly, he commanded his armies in the third year of Al Hijrah and left Al Madinah as a fighter for the sake of Allah after he had deputized Sahl Bin Haneef in the year 37H and Abu Ayoub Al Ansari in the year 40H, and he martyrized in the 40 of Al Hijrah.
Principality of Almadinah Al Manawaraha
From the Ommiad Epoch, to the Saudi Epoch
After the establishment of the Ommaid state in Damascus under the Leadership of Muawiyah Bin Abi Sufiyan in the year 40 H, the center of the Islamic Caliphate transferred from Al Madinah to Damascus but Al Madinah preserved its importance and its position in the sentiment of the Islamic society. Khalifas, Kings and Sultans did their best to appoint Amirs for Al Madinah in order to and administer its affairs. The glorious Sandi epoch arrived when Al Madinah surrendered in 19.5.1344 H, and Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul Aziz received in Madinah from the Commander of the military garrison of Al Madinah.
Since the first day l9th Jumada 1 of the year 1344, the city of Messenger ( Peace of Allah be upon him) had gained the attention of the founder, King Abudl Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, the king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and his sons after him. The city began to accompany the movement of development in this big entity.
When the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him, migrated to Al Madinah, he stayed in Kaaba for some days, then he directed to Al Madinah, and when he entered Al Madinah, he left his she-camel to kneel were Allah wished. Where the she-camel had knelt, the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him. Wanted to build a Mosque on that piece of Land so, he bought an area which was owned by two orphans, Sahl and Suhail, sons of Rafia Bin Umro. He paid ten Dinars for the areas from the money of Abu Bakr Al Sideeq. The site of the Mosque was occupied by Palm trees, ruins and graves, so the Messenger, Peace of Allah be upon him, ordered to transfer the graves, palm trees were cut, and the bases of the Mosque were built to height of one fathom. At the beginning, there was no roof, and then it was roofed by Palm stumps and shaded with Palm branches. After that they smoothed it with mud and they white washed it. Also, they made a court in its center, while the Kiblah Direction was towards Jerusalem, and three doors were opened. When the Kiblah was changed to Al Kaaba, the position of Al Qiblah in the Mosque has changed, and some doors were closed. The area of the Mosque was 1050 Square Meters, as its Length was 35 Meters and its width was 30 meters.
In the year seven of Al Hijrah, after Khaibar, The Prophet Peace of Allah be upon him, in- creased the area from east and west Directions, so the area became 2,500 Square Meters, and the shape became a Square with side Length of 50 Meters.
In the year 29 H, Othman Bin Affan may Allah be pleased with him, increased the area of the Mosque about 5 Meters to the South, 15 Meters to the North and 10 Meters to the East , and the area became 4,200 Square Meters. Omer built the Mosque with Sun-dried bricks, and made its columns of wood.
In the year 29 H, Othman Bin Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, renewed the building of the Mosque, and he added a riwaq at north, west, and south directions of area 496 square meters. Sayyidna Othman built the Mosque with inscribed stones and plaster, he made the columns of hallow stones and he put iron bars inside the stones and tilled it with brass. He made the roof sink.
In the year 88 H, Al Waleed Bin Malik ordered Omer Bin Abdul Aziz, Emir of Al Madinah, to renew the Mosque. Omer Bin Abdul Aziz, renewed the Mosque and he included the rooms of wives of Messenger Peace of Allah be upon him. He added 2,369 Square Meters at east, west and north, and built it with stones filled with iron and brass, he made the mosaic and marble and he roofed.
In the year 161 H, The Abbaside Al Mahdi increased the area of the Mosque 2,450 Square Meters. He completed his work in 165 H.
Al Mutasim renewed the Mosque when it was burned in the year 655 H. The work completed in the epoch of Al Zahir Baibers the Bandaqdari.
King Al Nasir Mohammed Bin Oalaoun renewed the roof to the east and west of the court, and added two Riwaqs to the south of the court, in the year 705 H and 706 H and 729 H.
In the year 879 H, King Oaiytby achieved an important restoration in the Mosque which included some roofs, columns, and he added 120 Square Meters at southeast direction.
In the night of l3th of Ramadan, 886 H, a thunderbolt hit the big minaret, and it transferred to the roof and destroyed it. Al Ashraf Oaiyt by sent Emir Sungur Al Jamali to Al Madinah in order to restore the Mosque. Sungur Al Jamali brought with him the necessary workers and equipments, and restored the Mosque. They added 1672 Square Meters at the eastern direction. King Qaiytby spent about 60,000 Egyptian Pounds for this restoration.
Sultan Saleem renewed the entire western wall from Al Rahma Gate to the Sulaimanic Minaret in the year 974 H, as indicated from the engraving at the inside face of the wall near Al Rahma Gate. He also built the Sulaimanic Mihrab in 938 H and the Prophetic Mihrab, as indicated from the shape of the later.
In the year 980, Sultan Saleem II restored the Mosque and built Mihrab to the west of the Prophetic Mihrab at the edge of the original Mosque towards Al Kiblah direction.
In the year 1265 H, Sultan Abdul Majeed Bin Murad, the Ottoman, ordered to restore the Mosque completely except the cabinet and some walls of tight bases. Old columns were replaced with better ones, northern and eastern riwaq were enlarged and made two instead of three, and the western riwaqs were made three instead of four. After that, two riwaqs were added at the Kiblah direction next to the courtyard of the Mosque. Some other items were added, and restoration completed in 1277 H in twelve years. Total cost was 750,000 Majeedi Ponds. The total area of the Mosque became four acres (12,600 Square Meters).
In the year 980, Sultan Saleem II restored the Mosque and built a second mihrab to the west of the original.
In the year 1265 the sultan Adul Majeed bin Murad ordered the restoration of the complete mosque as well as adding extra features.
In the year, 1336 H, Fakhri Basha repaired the Prophetic and Sulaimanic Mihrabs.
On Friday 11th Ramadan, 1370 H corresponding to l5TH June, 1950 A.D. King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman A1 Saud issued an order to accomplish a complete restoration to the Prophetic Holy Mosque and to expand it. Execution started in l0th July, 1951. Houses surrounding the Mosque were purchased for 115,000 Golden Ponds and removed. Foundation stone was laid in Rabia I, 1372 H, corresponding to November, 1952 A. D. work was completed in 6th Rabia I, 1375, corresponding to 22 TH October, 1955 A.D. Expenses were Fifty Millions of Saudi Riyals. The total area of the Mosque is 16327 Square Meters, 4056 Square Meters of it is an old Ottomanic building, and12271 Square Meters is a Modern Saudi Building.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahad Bin Abdul Aziz ordered to expand the Prophetic Hoty Mosques, and the work is continuing until now.
HE King Fahd's Expansion of the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah
he expansion and development plans formulated by King Fahd for the Prophet's Mosque in the Holy City of Madinah were as ambitious as those for the Holy Mosque in Makkah.
Work on the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah was launched by King Fahd in 1985 (1405/06 AH) and the Mosque can now accommodate in excess of one million worshippers at the busiest times.
A unique feature of the expansion project was the development of the 27 main plazas. Each plaza is now capped by a state-of-the-art sliding dome, which can be rapidly opened or closed according to the weather and can be used in unison or separately as required. Elaborately carved stone friezes decorate the domes, and the plazas have been paved in decorative geometrically patterned marble tiles. The project also necessitated the building of six additional minarets, each 105-meter construction crowned with a 4 ton gold-plated crescent.
The development of the surrounding open areas and the seven newly constructed entrances ensure the smooth passage of pilgrims into the Prophet's Mosque. Indeed, the designers of the entire project have masterfully considered every eventuality of the existing and future capacity of the Mosque, and all this within the constraints of the existing architectural pattern. The building extensions have therefore been fitted out with a suitable number of staircases and escalators. The designers have added an extension to the roof area for praying purposes, whilst also allowing for the possibility of adding another floor to accommodate worshippers in the future.
Like the splendidly redeveloped Holy Mosque in the Holy City of Makkah, the Prophet's Mosque is now fully air-conditioned. The comfort of worshippers has been further enhanced, however, by the unique and ingeniously conceived shading system. Twelve enormous mechanically operated Teflon umbrellas, six in each court of the Mosque, have been developed by King Fahd's architects to protect pilgrims and help them withstand the high temperatures.
The Prophet's Mosque project also includes provision of extensive car parking facilities and the construction of a new dual carriageway, the Bab Al-salam Road, linking Madinat-Al-hujjaj on the western side of the Holy City of Madinah to the site of the Mosque. A labyrinth of service tunnels, drainage systems and supply networks also now criss-crosses the area. In fact, the magnitude of support services made it necessary to construct a vast basement complex in which to accommodate the service equipment and wiring needs, as well as various other maintenance works.
The reconstructed main gate leading into the Mosque site, the new King Fahad entrance, is situated on the northern side, and is topped with a profusion of domes and minarets on both sides. The exquisite decorations and architectural touches here and elsewhere are in complete harmony with earlier building work on the site, and they feature wonderfully crafted golden grilles, cornices, pillars, brass doors and marble works, as well as special ornately carved pigeon holes for the Holy Quran.

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