Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. Success Greetings to you all. Success begins with intention to change the state of the liver, as HIS creation we shall endeavor for the improvement of the quality of self, one of them to establish relationship with each other to help improve the welfare of life among people in the world. in its growth from year to year has many new entrepreneurs give birth as a form of concern to others to help provide prosperity by opening up opportunities for entrepreneurial independence and, God willing, in accordance with Islamic guidance. We on behalf of the management of Muslim Clothing for the trust to thank the people of Indonesia who have used the product - Muslim fashion products, is proved by the increasing number of agents, distributors and outlets which we named "Islamic Clothing" has been scattered in several provinces in Indonesia. Moslem Clothing Outlet is a partnership by providing a variety of partnership profits and is open to anyone who wants to join the Indonesian community and entrepreneurial spirit and be able to commit to developing business in the region.
Yours respectfully
Moslem Clothing
Sale Hijab Burqo
Serve Sales
Prayer Tool Equipment
Not Alkhohol Perfume
Equipment Muslim Marriages
Skull cap
Java Supplies
Free Muslim Articles
Muslim News
Prayer every day
Selling Dates from Saudi Arabia
Purchases can be made through
Paypal and western union
or through Indonesian banks
safely secured
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