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Hajj and Umroh of law in Bank Loans

hanqie production 8/12/2010
Among the conditions required someone to go hajj is to have the ability to go there. A person who owes basically includes people who have no ability except after her debts are paid or have obtained toleration from the person or party who gave the loan would delay payment of the debt until after penunaian pilgrimage.
Allah Almighty says:

ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا

It means: "Hajj is a duty men Doing it against God, are (for) people who can afford a trip to the House." (Surat al Aimron: 97)
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi from 'Abdullah ibn Abi Aufa said, "I asked the Prophet about a person who is not indebted to perform hajj or pilgrimage? He's Messenger said, 'No. "(Narrated by Bayhaqi)
Similarly, a new debt repayment occurs in the future, and payments or payroll deductions taken from their permanent pernghasilan regularly every month so basically he is not a barrier for him to haj. Whether the debt is not associated with ONH, like: vehicle installment, mortgage or other debt or to ONH itself.
But if someone for the cost of going hadj make loans from conventional banks who apply ribawi practice then it includes the case which is not allowed even though he has the ability to pay per month from his salary deductions.
Imam Muslim narrated from Jabir, he said, 'Messenger of Allah has cursed the riba eaters, people who have eating usury, interpreters and witnesses he writes. " He said, "They're all the same."
And what does it include helping or auxiliary aid in vices and sins that Allah banned.

ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان واتقوا الله

It means "And do mutual help in sin and offense. and fear Allah. ".

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